Senin, 28 November 2011

mid semester test chemistri

1pure subtance xis solid at room temerature. if the subtance is heated to230 c is melted gradually. if then cooled to room temperatur, the liquid cat not be frozen                  
a is it possible xmof an element or acmpound explain it
 answer a element because liquid subtance is heate to temparatur combination of elemnt chemical the properties of apure subtance make it possible to identify that subtance concusively
 b yes because chang chemical undeago an endotrem                             
c cen it be said that the liqid is an element because pure subtane x is solid at rooom temperature  and 230 c is heated melted gradually chemical undergo an endotem

2when a candlle that weighs 10 g is burned in oxygen carbo dioxide and water vapor formed by combinatian the weigh more that 10 g .was this case mtch with the law of concerfation of mass examlain it
 answer: that the compound containing atoms of different elemets era joined with a rarion of intgres not destroyed chemical reaction
 3when carbon burns in oxygen under limited number , it will form two gaseous compouns .suggestbthe way to differentiate the two compouns with one anorher answer: to differentiate the two compounds carbon burns in oxygen undr limited number the same proporitions and other pure subtance
 4 answer because the anderstanding of peridic regularity in physical and chemical behavior and the need for mangorganir all bout the structure and properties of elemnt has led to the blossoms periodic fable
 5 answer aqueos solution  of merrcury cloride of siler nitrat has the ability to conduct electricity when the solute is an electrolyte reaction

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