Selasa, 26 Juni 2012

surface tension

                Surface Tension and Contact Angle

Knowledge of surface tension and contact angle has a very large role of particles in life. For example, the liquid will spread on the surface or it will be small droplets depends on the properties of the material or fluid.
Surface tension is the force caused by an object acting on the surface of the liquid along the surface that touches it. If F = force (newtons) and L = length (m), the voltage-surface, S can be written as S = F / L. The surface tension caused by the interaction of liquid molecules on the surface of the liquid. In the fluid inside a molecule surrounded by other molecules around it, but there is no liquid on the surface of another molecule at the top of the liquid molecules. This led to the emergence of molecular restoring force is attractive when it is lifted away from the surface of the molecule, the molecule that is in the bottom surface of the liquid. Conversely, if the molecules on the surface of the liquid is pressed
Capillarity is caused by the interaction of the molecules in the liquid. In the liquid molecules can be subjected to adhesion and cohesion. Style of cohesion is the attraction between molecules in a liquid while the adhesion force is the attraction between molecules with other molecules that are not similar, ie materials in which the liquid container is located. If the adhesion is greater than the cohesion as in water with a glass surface, the water will interact strongly with the surface of the glass so the water over the glass and the liquid surface will be curved (concave). This situation can cause the liquid to rise to the top of the surface tension limit of him up until the upward force to balance gravity fluid is reached. So the water can rise up in a small tube called a capillary tube. This is what happens when the water rises from the ground up through the wall.

UAS pengantar pendidikan

1.       Ditinjau dari pihak penerima gagasan baik perorangan atau kelompok yang menjadi sasaran yang akan dikenai perubahan, proses inovasi  terdiri atas lima tahap yaitu tahap kesadaran, tahap perhatian, tahap penilaian, tahap percobaan, dan tahap penerimaan jelaskan tahap-tahap tersebut dan beri contoh dalam sistem pendidikan !
2.       Apa yang dimaksud dengan aspek yuridis ? dan bagaimana pembaharuannya dalam inovasi pendidikan ?
3.       Apa saja yang termasuk jenis-jenis inovasi pendidikan dan jelaskan !
4.       Bidang dan tujuan pendidik berdasarkan tujuan untuk kapasitas pribadi, tujuan sosial, tujuan ekonomis, tujuan pendidikan menurut tingkat dan jenis pengajaran, cara dan sarana untuk merumuskan tujuan pendidikan. Beri contoh masing-masing bidang pendidikan !
5.       Inovasi pendidikan sekarang mengelompokkan peserta didik yang pintar ke kelas unggul bagaimana dampak negatif dan pasif bila hal ini terus berlanjut ?
6.       Jelaskan bidang peserta didik atau pelajar menurut umur, kelompok belajar, kemampuan/sifat ajar, tingkat kelas atau jenjang sekolah ?

1.       a). Tahap kesadaran (awareness), dimana seseorang atau kelompok yang menjadi sasaran inovasi  mulai menyadari dan mengetahui adanya gagasan pembaharuan, meski informasi tentang ide baru itu masih kurang lengkap, namun sudah mulai menangkap beberapa pengertian tentang bagaimana inovasi itu dapat berfungsi.
b). Tahap perhatian (interest), dimana seseorang atau kelompok yang menjadi sasaran mulai menaruh minat menyukai atau tidak terhadap gagasan pembaharuan, dan mulai berusaha mencari informasi yang lebih lengkap tenteng ide pembaharuan tersebut.
c). Tahap penilaian (evaluation), dimana seseorang atau kelompok yang dikenai sasaran inovasi mulai mengadakan penilaian terhadap gagasan baru itu kemudian dibandingkan dihubungkan dengan keadaan situasi diri dan kelompoknya baik pada saat ini atau keadaan dan situasi masa yang akan datang, pada tahap ini pun mulai mempertimbangkan untuk mencobanya atau tidak.
d). Tahap percobaan (trial), diman seseorang atau kelompok yang menjadi sasaran inovasi mulai berusaha mencoba menerapkan penggunaan inovasi pada skala yang kecil untuk menetapkan manfaatnya baik bagi diri maupun bagi kelompoknya.
e). Tahap penerimaan (adoption), dimana seseorang atau kelompok yang menjadi sasaran inovasi mulai menggunakan ide pembaharuan secara tetap dalam skala yang lebih luas.

2.       Aspek yuridis adalah:aspek yang memacu pada Undang Undand Dasar 1945 terkandung makna bahwa dasar negara kita adalah pancasila
Pembaharuan dalam inovasi pendidikan:
Pembaharuan dalam nilai atau wawasan pendidikan dalam inovasi ini menuntut adanya yang mendasar tentang orientasi ,wawasan ,asas dan fisolofi,cita cita kebijaksanaan yang sudah tidak cocok lagi dengan tuntunan pembangunan politik ,ekonomi,sosial dan kebudayaan yang berkembag contoh:adanya perubahan terhadap tuntunan dan wawasan baperaturan dan perundang undang yg sudah tidak  sesuai lagi dengan tuntunan dan wawasan baru di era informasi ,globalisasi dan era globalisasi.
Pembaharuan dalam jenis operasi tata laksana pengelolahan yang terdiri atas serangkain tata laksana pengelolahan mulai dari penelitian dan pengembangan ,perencanaan,pelaksanaan,pengendalian,penilaian dan pengawasan.
Pembahauan dalam jenis tugas dan fungsi perubahan yang terjadi dalam penilain dan wawasan akan membawa konsekuensi perubahan pula pada fungsi dan tugas lembaga dan orang orang yang ada di dalam nya termasuk para pejabat dan petugas lembaga pendidikan itu baik guru maupun tenaga admistrasi.m pengajaran .
Pembharuan dalam jenis keahlian atau kemampuan kemampuan khusus yang dituntut dari para petugas tata laksana atau guru karna adanya perubahan dalam siste

3.       a). Inovasi dalam jenis hubungan antar orang (personal relationship), misalnya pembaharuan  dalam peranan guru, perubahan dalam tatalaksana baru, yang harus berdasarkan pengambilan keputusan pada informasi dan bukan pada selera perorangan atau pemimpin.
b). Inovasi dalam jenis softwere (piranti lunak), misalnya perubahan atau pembaharuan mengenai tujuan dan struktur kurikulum, berbagai model sistem penyampaian (delivery system), dan cara-cara penilaian kurikulum dan pendidikan.
c). Inovasi dalam jenis hardwere (piranti keras), misalnya perubahan dan bentuk ruang kelas dalam reangka memenuhi tuntutan baru karena terjadi pembaharuan dalam hubungan antar orang, atau karena terjadi perubahan peranan guru dan adanya perubahan dalam sistem penyampaian atau metode mengajar, adanya sistem komputerisasi, proyektor, mesin pengajaran, adanya laboratorium dan sebagainya.
4.       Tujuan untuk kapasitas pribadi misalnya intelektual, moral, emosional, keterampilan, fisik dan sebagainya.
Tujuan sosial misalnya tujuan sosial untuk integrasi nasional, tujuan pendidikan untuk mencapai tujuan sosial demi individu.
Tujuan ekonomis misalnya tujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan ekonomi dan kesejahteraan.
Tujuan pendidikan menurut tingkat dan jenis pengajaran
Cara dan sarana untuk merumuskan tujuan pendidikan                                                                                                   
5.       Peserta didik yg pintar ke kelas unggul dan yg bodoh ke kelas menengah ke bawah> Dampak positifnya:akan menjadi penigkatanat  yang menimbulkan beberapa faktor agar bisa mendorng siswa menjadi lebih baik atau pintar.                                                                                                  Dampak negatif: menjadi daya saing antara siswa satu dengan siswa yang lain dan anak                 yang kemampuan nya menengah kebawah atau bodoh tidak bisa membaur dengan yang pintar sehingga menimbulkan siswa pintar mankin pintar dan yang bodoh tidak berkembang karna    kurang nya motivasi atau daya saing .                                                                                                                                         
6.       Peserta didik atau pelajar menurut umur ,kelompok belajar ,kemampuanan ,tingkat kelas atau jenjang sekolah ?Pengelompokan peserta didik atau pelajar menurut berbagai latar belakang dari unur 3-6 tahun Taman Kanak(TK) ,6-12 pendidikan dasar(SD),13-15 pendidikan menegah pertama(SMP),16-18 pendidikan menegah atas (SMA) selanjut nya pendidikan tinggi dan pendidikan guru.


         Atoms can absorb energy and atoms also emit energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation. One example of this is a ‘glow in the dark toy’. The phosphorescent atoms have the ability to absorb light energy, much like a sponge. When you take the glow in the dark toy into a dark closet you then see the same atoms emitting electromagnetic radiation in the visible spectrum. The specific wavelength of visible light emitted by such atoms is interpreted by the human brain as being an eerie lime green color.

         It is characteristic of energy to seek a state of constant equilibrium where the distribution of energy is smooth and continuous. A voltage potential is created when a source with greater potential energy is exposed to a source with a negative potential (the source is positive because it has more energy while the attractor is negative because it has less energy). When a voltage potential exists a current will then flow from the positive region towards the negative region. In any closed energy system the voltage differential will disappear when the energy has been evenly distributed between the positive source and the negative attractor such that the ‘hole’ in the energy field has disappeared. At this time all current flow will cease and the energy field will then assume a steady state wherein all the energy in the system is equally distributed.

       Atoms are closed energy systems, but they also must obey the laws governing the behavior of energy, and so it must be the case that atoms exchange energy with other atoms and with the surrounding electromagnetic field in which atoms exist. Atoms do this in an attempt to create a smooth and continuous field. However atoms use electromagnetic fields to create their own space such that the space that the atoms create must co-exist with the outer space in which the atoms are found. Therefore a conflict is found to exist between the atom and the exterior space.

      An examination of Archimedes law reveals that space and energy are found to be intertwined. It is probably the case that three dimensional space does not exist in the absence of energy, and that what is called ‘the background radiation of the universe’ is the small amount of energy that is found creating relatively flat stretches of space that exist between the spaces defined by powerful gravitational fields that create spaces with higher energy potential. The relationship between space and energy is a density function and only so much energy can occupy a given area of three dimensional space.

      If an atom experiences a voltage potential and responds by absorbing energy (the atom was the negative attractor) then the atom must increase the three dimensional space that it occupies. However the atom shares a location within a larger space with a surrounding cloud of atoms, and they all cannot expand the space they create nor can they all increase the amount of energy that they absorb without coming into conflict with the density restrictions imposed upon the atoms by the surrounding external space. An atom with an excess density of energy with respect to the three dimensional space created by that atom is an atom which must be forced to emit energy. At the same time an atom is an energy system and an atom must attempt to obey the laws of electromagnetic systems by eliminating all voltage differentials. Therefore atoms must perpetually become donors and receivers of energy, and atoms must constantly be found to exist in a state of conflict with the surrounding space and the external energy field. If an atom loses energy and the space it creates shrinks, it becomes a negative attractor. If an atom gains energy it can exist in a state of violation of the energy density restrictions imposed by the surrounding space. If it is a free gas atom, it can then rise upwards in the external field and lower its density by exploiting gravitational space dilation. If an atom is not at liberty to move in a gravitational field then it must decrease its density by becoming an emitter of energy.

english present

I have a simple family of the father, mother, brother and sister. My father named m.acdi sonny work as regular employees, my mother named rokiyah as a housewife, elder brother was married and I have a twin named Mirta now he is a student at the UNIVERSITY Batanghari myself as a student named mirda UNJA. today entered a new atmosphere and new places to live away from parents. day telalah days passed and now I have two semesters
holiday next month I plan to return to Palembang has not been met because the same parents as I write this story my friend suddenly called to borrow books enlish. day was late at night I'm still doing my job which will be collected tomorrow and expect to complete my tasks well. after I have completed this task directly tidur.hari already morning I wake up usually jam5.30 to pray the prayer I just finished a shower and breakfast selsai breakfast at 7.30 and tiara I went to college but this is going on rainy days when the rain stops we'll go to the campus while waiting for the rain stopped we were sitting in front of the house and saw the devi was washing dishes the rain had stopped we went directly to college after arriving on campus we went straight to class. lecturer before we go straight to open the book because there are mid or UTS-hour exam has been shown at 8.5 pm all of your classmates have come up all the time I was reading a book ti

cause and effec hot weathert

    cause of the hot weather these last few days caused by several things, namely the inclusion of drought, fire and ozone depletion lapisa air currents that spread the pattern shown by the wind. So there is no air flow so that the pile of clouds clump together less and cause no rain. Hot weather can trigger a heat shock (heat stroke), which causes the body is dehydrated or dehidrasi.sehingga effects of increased body temperature, muscle pain develops, and a rapid heartbeat.
           Causes of high body temperature affects the body is losing water body to sweat. If the body is unable to cool down and return to normal body temperature, heat can even be life threatening. Heat stroke can cause organ damage or death. Those at high risk include people 65 years old, infants and children, pregnant and lactating women, persons with physical health, especially people with heart disease or high blood pressure, as well as patients consuming drugs mental.Biasanya, heat stroke occurs when the air temperature rises above 40.5 Celsius. At this temperature, the heat from potentially lethal internal systems in the body. Normalize the body temperature in the heat can be done when the body sweats. When there is dehydration and the body does not sweat, the blood becomes concentrated so impaired organ function. The result is a central nervous system changes such as delirium, coma and seizures. Heat stroke can affect the function of liver, kidney, muscle and heart damage. To prevent this, drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids and avoid activities that will increase body temperature. Several types of drugs such as ecstasy and the bridge of alcohol can increase the body temperature causes dehydration.